
What is strategic sustainability?

2023-04-05T15:33:57+02:0017. October 2022|

Currently, the big swing towards a sustainable economy is taking place. In accordance with the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD for short - the new EU directive on CSR reporting), it is important to base your own corporate success story in the direction of sustainability on the following three aspects: - Environment - Social - Governance

Sustainability – With small steps to the goal

2023-04-05T15:05:08+02:0026. April 2021|

Environmental protection, sustainability and resource conservation is THE topic, also in global politics. That change is urgently needed to counteract the effects of climate change is beyond question and simply concerns us all. Our common goal must be the protection of the environment, especially with regard to our posterity, the reduction of emissions and the production of less waste.

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