Whether an organization achieves a successful digital transformation depends first and foremost not only on the technologies it deploys for this purpose. Another key factor for success is whether the organization has provided its digital transformation with a clear vision of the future that it has developed for itself. Only with a clear “alignment” of the organization for the future and with clarity and consistency in processes and data can digitization unfold its full benefits as a “means to an end”.


Technology application & exploitation of new opportunities

The digital transformation of an organization involves both the application of digital technologies and the exploitation of new opportunities that arise with and through the application of these technologies. In the first case, the focus is particularly on the structures and processes as well as the infrastructure of the organization. In the second case, the focus is on considerations of the entire value chain, the ecosystem*, and the associated business model of the organization. In both cases, the appropriate handling of data forms the basic framework for success (data mining, valid data sources, data integration, data analyses, data quality and security, and much more).


Interplay of technology, organization and culture

The digital transformation of an organization is not only aimed at digitizing and/or automating existing processes in order to make the existing business better. Digital transformation also enables new business models and leads to a change in the organization’s identity in the medium and long term.

Digital transformation thus always requires orchestrated interaction between the areas technology, organization and culture. Applying the best digital technologies without taking organizational structures into account is just as “toothless” as a digital solution that is optimally embedded in the organizational structure if there is insufficient culture and competence on the part of the organization’s managers and employees.


Project setup as a success factor

The demand for perfect interaction between a wide variety of disciplines and competencies is not limited to the “operation” of digitally transformed organizations. This kind of interaction is crucial to the success of the development of the model of a digitally transformed organization (future image!), including the associated transformation path.

The foundation for a successful digital transformation project is therefore already laid in the project setup. As early as the composition of the project teams, it must be ensured that the necessary disciplines and competences – as outlined above – are fully covered. Only then can functional, future-proof transformation models for organizations be developed and implemented.

Would you also like to develop and implement a functional and sustainable transformation model for your organization? Take my blog post as an opportunity to put your idea or your concrete plan for digital transformation to the “test”.

Contact us, we will be happy to support you!


*More information on the Eco-System and EFQM model can also be found here.